Spatial Computing and It’s Revolution

Payoda Technology Inc
8 min readFeb 28, 2023


What is Spatial Computing?

Spatial computing is a rapidly evolving technology transforming how we interact with digital content. It is a form of computing that uses sensors, cameras, and other devices to track and analyze the physical world, allowing users to create and manipulate digital content in their three-dimensional space. This technology, which includes virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries.

Gaming and entertainment are two of the most exciting applications of spatial computing. Players can use virtual reality headsets to immerse themselves in completely realistic digital environments, exploring new worlds and interacting with digital objects in previously impossible ways. Augmented reality games, on the other hand, superimpose digital data in the real world, resulting in a new type of interactive experience that combines the physical and digital worlds.

Spatial computing also has significant applications in education and training. Virtual reality simulations can help students learn complex concepts engagingly and intuitively. In contrast, augmented reality can provide real-time information and guidance in fields like medicine and engineering. Mixed reality is also used in industrial design and architecture, allowing designers to create and visualize new products and spaces in a completely new way.

Spatial computing is changing how we interact with data and information in ways other than entertainment and education. By visualizing data in three-dimensional space, we can gain new insights and perspectives that were previously impossible. For example, a 3D map of a city could help urban planners better understand traffic patterns and optimize transportation systems.

However, spatial computing does not come without its challenges. Creating realistic and immersive digital environments requires significant computing power and sophisticated software. Ensuring these environments are accessible and inclusive to all users is a major concern. There are also concerns around privacy and security, as using sensors and cameras to track users’ movements and behaviors raises significant ethical questions.

Despite these obstacles, the potential of spatial computing cannot be overlooked. As this technology advances, we expect new and exciting applications to emerge in various fields, from entertainment and education to healthcare and beyond. With its ability to create truly immersive and interactive digital experiences, spatial computing is poised to transform how we live, work, and play in the coming years.

Download the Case Study,
Cloud computing helps a media & entertainment company stabilize & optimize the workloads

Metaverse with Spatial computing

The term “metaverse” refers to a virtual world or space on the internet. It allows people to interact with each other and digital objects. Spatial computing is a technology that enables computers to understand and interact with the physical world more intuitively, using technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) (VR).

When the metaverse and spatial computing are combined, they can create a highly immersive and interactive digital environment where users can interact more naturally with the virtual world. Spatial computing, for example, allows users to interact with digital objects in ways that mimic real-world interactions, such as using hand gestures to move and manipulate objects in a virtual space.

One potential application of the metaverse with spatial computing is in the field of remote collaboration. With the ability to interact with virtual objects and spaces more naturally, remote teams can work together in a shared digital environment, even if they are physically located in different parts of the world.

Another potential application is gaming and entertainment, where users can fully immerse themselves in virtual worlds and interact with other players in real-time. This can create new opportunities for socialization, community-building, and even education and training.

Integrating the metaverse and spatial computing can transform how we interact with digital content and one another and play a significant role in shaping the future of technology and society.

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Spatial Computing Applications in Your Daily Life

Photo by CX Insight on Unsplash

Here are some examples of how spatial computing applications are used in everyday life:

Navigation: Navigation apps like Google Maps and Waze use spatial computing to provide directions and information about traffic and road conditions. They use GPS and other sensors to track your location and combine that with data about roads and traffic to provide real-time information.

Gaming: Many popular video games use spatial computing to create immersive environments and experiences. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) games rely on spatial computing to develop a sense of presence in a digital environment.

Retail: Retailers use spatial computing to create personalized shopping experiences. For example, some stores use sensors to track customers’ movements and offer customized recommendations based on location and behavior.

Architecture and design: Architects and designers use spatial computing to create virtual models of buildings and other structures. This allows them to visualize designs and make changes before construction begins.

Education: Spatial computing can be used in education to create immersive learning experiences. For example, students can use VR or AR to explore historical sites or scientific phenomena in a way that is more engaging than reading about them in a textbook.

Overall, spatial computing has numerous applications in everyday life, ranging from entertainment to education to retail and beyond. As technology develops, we can expect to see even more creative applications!


Spatial computing involves several processes to capture, process, and use spatial data. Here are the basic steps involved in the process of spatial computing:

Data Capture: The first step in spatial computing is to capture spatial data from the real world. This can be done using various sensors, such as cameras, LiDAR, and GPS, which collect information about the physical environment.

Data Processing: Once the data is captured, it needs to be processed to extract useful information. This may involve filtering out noise and irrelevant data and combining multiple data sources to create a complete picture of the environment.

Spatial Mapping: Spatial mapping creates a digital representation of the physical environment. This can include creating 2D or 3D maps and adding additional information, such as the location of objects or the dimensions of a space.

Spatial Analysis: Spatial analysis involves using spatial data to gain insights and make decisions. This can include analyzing patterns or trends, identifying areas of risk or opportunity, or making predictions based on the data.

Spatial Visualization: Finally, the spatial data can be visualized in a way that is meaningful and easy to understand. This can include creating maps, graphs, or other visualizations that help to communicate the insights gained through spatial analysis.

Overall, spatial computing involves capturing, processing, and analyzing spatial data to digitally represent the physical environment. This can have a wide range of applications, from navigation and gaming to architecture and design.

What Spatial Computing Features Make It All Eventuate?

Spatial computing is made possible by a combination of hardware and software features that work together to create immersive and interactive experiences. Here are some of the key features that make spatial computing come to life:

Sensor Technology: Spatial computing relies on sensors to capture data about the physical environment. These sensors can include cameras, LiDAR, and GPS, among others. They enable the system to track position, movement, and other variables in real time.

Computer Vision: Computer vision is the ability of computers to interpret and understand visual data from the physical world. It allows spatial computing systems to recognize and identify objects and people in the environment, essential for creating interactive experiences.

Machine Learning: Machine learning is artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn from data and improve over time. It can be used in spatial computing to improve the accuracy of sensors, recognize patterns and trends, and make predictions based on past behavior.

Augmented Reality: Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information onto the physical world. It allows spatial computing systems to create interactive experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds.

Virtual Reality: Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that creates a completely digital environment where users can interact. It allows spatial computing systems to create immersive experiences that simulate real-world environments.

Spatial Mapping: Spatial mapping creates a digital representation of the physical environment. It allows spatial computing systems to understand a space’s layout, objects’ location, and other spatial data essential for creating immersive experiences.

These features make spatial computing possible and enable various applications, from navigation and gaming to education and healthcare. By blending the digital and physical worlds, spatial computing transforms how we interact with technology and the world around us.

Animation in Spatial Computing

Animations are critical in enhancing the spatial computing experience by bringing virtual objects to life, creating engaging visual effects, and facilitating interactive storytelling.

Here are some types of animations commonly used in spatial computing:

Object animations: These animations bring virtual objects to life by adding movement and interactivity. For example, an animation could make a virtual character walk or bounce a virtual ball.

Particle animations: These animations create visual effects by simulating particles such as smoke, fire, and water. They enhance the immersive experience of a spatial computing application by creating realistic and engaging environments.

UI animations: User interface (UI) animations provide feedback and guide users through a spatial computing application. For example, an animation could indicate that a button has been pressed or show the transition from one screen to another.

Character animations: Character animations bring virtual characters to life by giving them emotions, expressions, and movements that mimic real-life human behavior. They are used to enhance the storytelling aspect of a spatial computing application by creating engaging and relatable characters.

Environmental animations create dynamic and interactive environments that respond to user interactions. For example, an animation could make a virtual tree sway in the wind or create ripples in a virtual pond when a user touches it.

Overall, animations are a crucial component of spatial computing that enhance the user experience by bringing virtual objects to life, creating engaging visual effects, and facilitating interactive storytelling.

Quick Small Program :

Open Unity and create a new 3D project.

  1. Import a 3D model of a virtual object. You can use any 3D model, but for simplicity, you can use a basic shape like a cube.
  2. Please create a new plane object in Unity and position it so that it is below the virtual object.
  3. Add a physics material to the plane object to make it bouncy. You can do this by right-clicking in the Project window and selecting Create > Physics Material.
  4. Select the virtual object and add a Rigidbody component in the Inspector window.
  5. Add a script component to the virtual object. You can do this by right-clicking on the virtual object in the Hierarchy window and selecting Add Component > New Script. Name the script “Bounce.”
  6. Open the script and add the following code.

Final Thoughts

The future of spatial computing is exciting, with new technologies and applications always emerging. As technology becomes more sophisticated and accessible, we can expect to see even more innovative uses that will continue transforming how we interact with the physical world. Overall, spatial computing is a game-changing technology that has the potential to shape the future of how we live, work, and play.

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Authored by: Nivedha Balakumar



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