Microservice Architecture and its Future

Payoda Technology Inc
6 min readJun 29, 2023


What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices architecture refers to a design approach or methodology for creating applications. A huge program can be divided into smaller, independent components with microservices, each with responsibilities. In a microservices-based application, one service would communicate with others within the application via APIs or standard messaging protocols.

What is the microservices architecture used for?

Microservices are typically used to accelerate the development of applications. Java-based architectures for microservices, particularly those based on Spring Boot, are popular.

Comparisons between service-oriented architecture and microservices are also frequent. Although they use distinct strategies, both have the same goal — to split up large monolithic apps into smaller parts. Listed below are a few examples where microservice architecture can be put to good use.

Website migration

A complicated website running on a monolithic platform can be moved to a cloud-based, container-based microservices platform.

Media content

Images and video-intensive web applications can be migrated to microservices architecture. This allows multimedia content to be stored and served on the web or mobile from a scalable object storage system.

Transactions and invoices

Ordering and payment processing can be done as separate, stand-alone services, allowing for the acceptance of payments even if the invoicing system is down.

Data processing

Each service handles its data in a microservice architecture, which is a fundamental tenet of microservices. Shared data stores between services are improper. Instead, each service maintains its own exclusive data repository, which no other service may directly access.

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10 Things That Define Microservices

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Microservices are small, independent, and loosely connected units that are created and maintained by small teams of engineers. Each service has its own codebase, making it manageable for a small development team. These services are developed as small units and exposed through business-related APIs.

One of the advantages of microservices is the ability to deploy them independently, without the need to rebuild and redeploy the entire application. They are exposed using standard protocols like RESTful API, allowing other services or applications to consume them. Unlike conventional architectures, microservices take responsibility for the persistence of their data or external state, eliminating the need for a separate data layer. Interactions between services occur through clear APIs, with each service keeping its internal implementation details private. Polyglot programming is supported, meaning that services can use different frameworks, libraries, or technological stacks. The inherent independence and deployability of microservices make them easy to build and release, fostering agility in operations and delivery.

1. Split into numerous components

Software developed using a microservices architecture is inherently divided into several components or individual services. Without compromising the integrity of the application, each service may be developed, deployed, and updated independently. Instead of taking it offline and redeploying it, the entire program can be scaled up simply by adjusting a few key services.

2. Impact and failure

The failure of an application created using microservices architecture, as a whole, is improbable. Individual services can fail, which has an impact on operations. A function experiencing downtime in a microservices-based application should be able to divert traffic away from itself while allowing its associated services to carry on with no interruptions. By keeping an eye on microservices and restarting them as quickly as possible in the event of a breakdown, the impact on real-time users can be minimized. Restarting microservices is simpler, and hence the risk of disruption is lower.

3. Simple routing process

The design employed by enterprise applications is the polar opposite of this straightforward routine procedure. For instance, an enterprise service bus uses sophisticated technologies for business rule execution, message choreography, and routing. On the other hand, Microservices merely accept requests, handle them, and then provide a suitable output to be transmitted to the component that requests it.

4. Decentralized operations

Decentralized governance is more appropriate for microservices as developers globally produce useful tools to address operational difficulties. Microservices architecture encourages decentralized data management because each microservice application manages its database. On the other hand, centralized databases are often used by monolithic systems to run all applications.

5. Built for modern businesses

The goal of microservices architecture is to meet the needs of contemporary digital organizations. User interfaces, databases, server-side logic, and technological layers are created in traditional monolithic systems. Contrarily, microservices rely on cross-functional teams. Each team produces specific products based on individual services that send and receive data via a message bus.

6. Agility

Since Microservices architecture breaks down functionality to the most basic level and abstracts related services, modification and redeployment are necessitated only when there’s a change in the entire application.

7. Efficiency

With Microservices architecture, developers can make much more efficient use of infrastructure. This strategy would empower them to develop and deploy functions without waiting for overarching decisions regarding the application.

8. Resiliency

In Microservices architecture, splitting the functionality across several different services eliminates the probability of a single point of failure.

9. Revenue

With Microservices architecture, there’s a shorter turnaround time, which means faster iterations, quicker time to market, and reduced downtime. All this points to an increase in revenue.

10. Technical Debt

Microservices architecture is easier to develop and maintain. They are more adaptable. Hence, there’s a much lesser technical debt throughout the software development lifecycle.

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Challenges of Using Microservices

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Microservices’ advantages come with a set of challenges. Here are some that we need to consider when implementing a microservices design.


The equivalent monolithic application has fewer moving components than a microservices program. The system as a whole is more complex when compared to monolithic applications, despite each service being simpler.

Development and testing

A different strategy is needed when developing a tiny service that depends on other dependent services instead of writing a standard monolithic or layered application. It’s only sometimes possible to use existing tools with service dependencies. Crossing service boundaries for refactoring can be challenging. Testing service dependencies can also be difficult, especially if the application changes quickly.

Lack of governance

Although the decentralized method of creating microservices has benefits, it can also cause issues. The application may have many distinct languages and frameworks that take time to manage. Setting up some project-wide guidelines could be helpful without unduly limiting the flexibility of the teams. This particularly applies to cross-cutting features like logging.

Data integrity

Each microservice is in charge of maintaining its data persistence. Data consistency can therefore be difficult. Whenever possible, it’s better to embrace consistency.


A matured DevOps culture is necessary for microservices success. It cannot be easy to correlate logging across services. For a single-user operation, logging typically needs to correlate numerous service calls.

Why are microservices the future of Software development?

The future of software development lies in microservices because they outperform monolithic designs in terms of several factors, such as enhanced modularity, scalability, and maintainability. They are better suited for continuous software delivery and integration, which are essential in today’s quick-paced world. Microservices-based applications can be developed and delivered much quicker, which is the need of the hour. Also, rather than attempting to integrate everything into a single monolithic application, they let developers concentrate on one issue at a time. Developers must master new skills and technologies as the industry transitions from monolithic to microservices. But it’s worthwhile since this architecture offers too many advantages to overlook.

The Future of Microservices

Microservices are so widely used that 86% of developers worldwide predict that they will replace traditional application design as the standard within the next five years.

The following predictions are made for the upcoming years:

Multiple Microservices

The integration layer that links many microservices together will receive more attention in the future. Microsoft is already looking into building applications by connecting various APIs and services.

Serverless Architecture

On-demand computing resources and serverless architectures will see an increase in demand. Large upfront investments won’t be necessary because of improved technology for quickly designing and deploying microservices.

Multi-Cloud Environment

Utilizing microservices across several cloud environments increases the benefits of their unique features. It is one of the most interesting breakthroughs to look forward to in the future. Oracle’s cloud environment can be used by database and information management microservices for greater optimization. Microservices can be integrated with Azure’s AI capabilities. They can also use Amazon S3’s additional storage and archiving capabilities.

Final Thoughts

In several industries, using microservices to construct apps is swiftly taking over. Innovative businesses will use microservices and disruptive technology to shorten and streamline their product lifecycle. Payoda offers a comprehensive microservices solution, enabling businesses to leverage small, independent, and scalable units of software. With Payoda’s expertise, organizations can build, deploy, and manage microservices architectures, enabling agility, modular development, and seamless integration across applications.

Talk to our expert for a strategic consultation.

Authored by: John Judas



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