Let’s now Automate App Store Connect with APIs!
App Store Connect API
Now Apple provides an App Store Connect API for developers to automate their day to day tasks. It’s a REST-based API system where you can write your own automation logic with your existing portal and no need to rely on any third party services. The system requires JWT (JSON Web Tokens) based authorization and it can be created by obtaining keys from one’s organization App Store Connect account. The generated key to access all your apps is available to download only once, so keep it secure when completed.
List of App Store Connect areas :
App Store Connect API provides resources to automate the below-mentioned areas.
Provisionings :
- Connect API provides API requests to register a new bundle ID, modify and delete it. Also, it provides a list of bundle IDs and its information, a list of provisioning profiles, and capabilities related to the given bundle ID.
- By using App Store Connect APIs, you can enable, disable, and modify the bundle IDs capabilities.
- You can create a new certificate using a certificate signing request without login to the Apple developer portal. At the same time, you can list, download, and revoke the certificate.
- You can register a new device, list, and be able to read the information as well as modify the specific device details.
- You can create a new provisioning profile and delete it. Also, you can get profile information including list, read and download, associated bundle ID, certificates, and devices list.
Builds & Testflight :
- You can get build information including find and list build, get information about a specific build, app information, App Store versions, and the prerelease versions.
- You can modify the build by expiring a build and change its encryption settings, and app encryption declaration to a build can be assigned.
- You can add and remove access for beta groups and individual testers. You are able to list individually assigned beta testers, get the beta app review submission status for a particular build, and get the information associated with a specific build.
- You can also get the metadata, list, and download all the icons associated with the build.
- You can assign and get an app encryption declaration information for multiple builds as well.
- You can create and delete beta test users, and assign or remove testers to a beta group. You can get a list and information about the beta license agreement and also can be modified.
Apps & App Metadata :
- You can find and list the apps that are in your App Store Connect, read and modify the App information, get App’s build, prerelease details, beta testers information, Testflight details, App Store details with In-App purchase along with power and performance metrics data
- You can manage your App information, version details, App screenshots, uploading app previews, uploading assets, custom End User License Agreements and game center enabled versioning.
Users & Roles :
- You can get a list of users on your team, get information about a user, modify the user’s role, and remove the user from the team. You can also list, add, and remove app access to users and can modify user roles.
- You can get the pending user invitations list and details. Also, you can send and cancel the invitation, and get an apps list with pending invitations
App Store review submissions :
- You can create, modify and delete IDFA declarations, create, modify and read App Store review details, add, modify, delete, get list and details of App Store review attachments, and also create and submit an app version to App Store and delete a version from the App Store.
App Store publishing :
- You can enable, pause, resume, or immediately release an app version in the App Store and also cancel the planned phased release before it starts for processing.
- You can get the app’s pre-order configuration and get its available date and release date. Also, turn on pre-order and set, update or cancel the expected app release date.
Reporting :
- You can filter and get data about financial, sales, and trends reports and get performance metrics data for the most recent version of your app and specific builds.
- You can list the collection of signatures backtraces for a specific build and get logs for a specific signature.
Identify the rate limits:
You are restricted with limits to request the App Store Connect API within a specified time period with the same API key and limits can vary.
Upload assets:
To upload various assets including screenshots, app previews, attachment for App Review, and routing app coverage files using App Store Connect APIs, it is instructed to divide a large asset file into multiple upload requests.
The steps to upload an asset :
- First, we have to make an asset reservation
- Upload an asset(In multiple parts)
- Then commit the upload
- Finally, verify in App Store Connect that the asset is processed successfully
And, to sum up, automation has never been simpler.
Author: Geethanjali N
Stream: Mobile